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What is STRIDES 2 Zero?

STRIDES 2 Zero is an FDOT initiative to implement technological advances in highway safety engineering.


STRIDES (State Traffic Roadway and Intersection Data Evaluation System) 2 Zero is a Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) initiative to work toward the vision of eliminating traffic fatalities and serious injuries by implementing technological advances in highway safety engineering. The objectives of the initiative are to enhance highway safety management practices in Florida through a data-driven process and provide engineering-based safety solutions for different transportation facilities and modes.

STRIDES 2 Zero implements a predictive analytical approach to roadway safety management processes and prioritizing roadway safety improvements. The initiative involves developing Florida-specific Safety Performance Functions (SPFs) and applying an SPF-based, reliable performance measure when determining the potential for safety improvement across sites in the State Highway System (SHS) roadway network. SPFs are regression equations to predict average crash frequency as a function of traffic and roadway characteristics within a given context class. The Excess Expected Average Crash Frequency with Empirical Bayes Adjustment, regarded as the most reliable performance measure, is applied to screen the roadway network to identify sites with the greatest potential for safety improvement. This initiative improves upon the practice of selecting and prioritizing roadway safety improvements through a crash frequency-based approach, as found in the AASHTO Highway Safety Manual, an approach that is reactive in nature and has several limitations.

System Analysis and Forecast Evaluation (SAFE) and Safe Mobility for Life (SMFL) are two implemented programs supporting the STRIDES 2 Zero initiative. The SAFE program employs advanced tools and resources of the highway safety management process through the following strategies:

  • Leverage various data sources and create a regularly updated repository of roadway segments, intersections, geometry, land use, and traffic volume data.
  • Apply state-of-the-art predictive analysis methods and performance measures for network screening.
  • Develop customized tools to facilitate diagnosis, countermeasure selection, economic appraisal, and project prioritization for safety improvements.
  • Make sound business decisions based on the reliable estimate of expected benefits from proposed safety improvements.
  • Monitor safety and operational performance of roadway facilities and evaluate investments' benefits.

These strategies implement safety countermeasures at signalized intersections on the SHS. They also facilitate the screening of roadway segments to identify systemic safety improvements. Relatedly, the predictive models are integrated into the SMFL program to gain insights on intersection crashes that have an overrepresentation of drivers aged 65 and older. This supports Florida's Safe Mobility for Life Strategic Action Plan to eliminate fatalities and reduce serious injuries while improving the safety, access, and mobility for Florida's aging road users.



Dibakar Saha, PhD, PE, PTOE, RSP2I​
Traffic Services Safety Engineer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 410-5417

Chris Lewis, PE
State Traffic Services Program Engineer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 410-5416​​