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Lead States Team Support: AASHTO Staff Assistance

Lead States Team Support

What is a Lead States Team?

A Lead States Team is a group of individuals representing a consortium of like-minded transportation agencies, industry, and other professionals… More >>


More about a Lead States Team

A Lead States Team is a group of individuals representing a consortium of like-minded transportation agencies, industry, and other professionals, each with focus technology experience or knowledge and a committment to supporting broad implementation of that focus technology.

Whenever new technologies or engineering procedures are introduced, there are always several state transportation agencies ahead of the pack in adopting these innovations. In numerous cases, the leading states played a role in developing the new technology and therefore gained a deeper understanding of the innovation and its advantages.

The effectiveness of forming lead states teams from representatives of these leading states, for the purpose of championing the new technologies, was demonstrated during implementation of Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP) findings. The AII executive committee was quick to adopt a lead states team approach very similar to that used during SHRP implementation, and a team is formed for each new focus technology selected for nationwide championing.

AASHTO Staff Assistance

The AII executive committee recognizes that lead states team chairs and members are quite busy in their full-time agency capacities and is committed to assisting whenever possible. Support for each lead states team is provided primarily by an individual member of the AII executive committee, designated as the AII liaison, and the AASHTO program manager located in the AASHTO headquarters office.

The AASHTO program manager assigned to support the AII executive committee provides valuable support for AII lead states teams. The lead states team chair should contact this AASHTO program manager whenever procedural questions or required pre-approvals of activities arise.

Several specific areas of required involvement or available assistance from the AASHTO program manager include:

  • Assisting in identification of potential lead states team members as new teams are formed
  • Providing official AASHTO documentation of lead states team membership
  • Processing travel reimbursement claims
  • Providing preapproval if mileage travel is desired in lieu of air travel (required)
  • Providing preapproval and arranging direct AASHTO payment of team-related invoices (required)
  • Setting up lead states team conference calls
  • Posting AII website information
  • Providing AASHTO document publication and reproduction services
  • Providing a communications link with AASHTO program managers supporting other AASHTO subcommittees
  • Receiving semi-annual progress report submissions (required)
  • Coordination and provision of desired marketing expert support (required)
  • Coordination and provision of any desired consultant support (required)

Access the AII Executive Committee Membership page for the current AASHTO program manager and other AII members' contact information.