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Watershed Resources Registry

Watershed Resources Registry (WRR)

What is the WRR?

The Watershed Resources Registry (WRR) fosters a collaborative approach to regulatory streamlining, data sharing, planning and decision-making… More >>


More about Watershed Resources Registry (WRR)

Watershed Resources Registry logo The Watershed Resources Registry (WRR) fosters a collaborative approach to regulatory streamlining, data sharing, planning and decision-making for sustainable watershed restoration and protection. It is a GIS-based tool that saves time and money, increasing program efficiencies while engaging multi-agency input and coordination.

A Green Highways Partnership Project, the WRR helps States identify their best opportunities to protect, restore and conserve high quality resources, and improve stormwater management. It screens for preferred actions, helping States analyze and score areas on a scale of one to five stars based on multi-resource benefits for restoration and/or preservation.

Local, State and Federal agencies as well as other stakeholders are able to work from the same data and priorities using the WRR. It is transparent, predictable and reliable. All users, including the public, can use the interactive features, producing site maps and other tools for critical decision-making.

Watershed Resources Registry logo
This lead state team has completed all planned activities and is no longer active. The information below, as created by the active lead state team, remains available for review by users seeking additional information.

Interactive Mapping Tool

Through the Watershed Resources Registry website, users can access an interactive mapping tool in addition to download the data directly.


Additional Resources


Lead States Team